This mother’s little helper is a large capacity mummy stroller accessory bag which is great for walks, daytime events, to the park, or to a parade, etc. a little nicer. This stroller organizer is made with thick high-quality Polyester materials that will keep your stroller neat and organized and can store all your important belongings safely and efficiently. It is design with two deep drink holders, a center compartment with a cover to hold things like diapers, wipes, snacks, small toy, etc. In addition, there is a secret inner pocket for wallet, money, credit cards, etc. for quick and easy access and there are two front outer side pockets, which is great for keeping things like cell phone or keys. It converts into a handbag by attaching the two attachment straps together to form a handle to hold on to. So, you can carry the organizer anywhere you are going at that moment or that day.
The Following Apply to this Product or Category | ||||||||||
AD-1 |
AD-2 |
AD-3 |
AD-4 |
SD-2 |
SD-3 |
SD-4 |
Shipping and Product Information
Dimensions: |
13.78”x 5.12”x 5.12” |
Shipped From: |
China |
Shipping Size: |
15”x 8.80”x 1.70” |
Shipping Time: (only) |
25 Days |
30 Days |
Weight: |
0.58 |
lbs. |
Main Material: |
Mutable Materials |
Shipping Weight: |
0.83 |
lbs. |
Color: |
Multicolor |
Load Capacity: |
Not Apply |
Model: |
3256804912334886 |